HACCP (English) – E-learning

  • e-learning
  • 225,- ex. VAT

A hospitality business is required to work according to the rules of the Hygiene Code. It is a legal obligation to ensure optimal hygiene and food safety in your company. Do you want tot stay one step ahead of the inspectors of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA)? Then follow the E-learning HACCP.

What do you learn during the course HACCP – E-learning?
During the E-learning HACCP you learn how to deal with perishable food and beverages and how to apply the mandatory Hygiene Code.

What other people say
Thanks to the HACCP course all my employees do know how to apply the Hygiene Code. This ensures maximum hygiene in our company and a safer food environment for our guests.

Beste opleider van Nederland USP's

HACCP (English) – E-learning by SHO

HACCP legislation
Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority
Company policy
Procurement, receipt and storage of products
Preparation and presentation of food and beverages
Risks of food contamination
Cleaning and registration processes
Registration forms HACCP

Officially recognized by:

For whom

Everyone working with food and beverages in the hospitality industry
Do not only think about the professionals but also the volunteers in canteens, at clubs and/or community centers

Admission requirements

No preliminary training required


At the end of the E-learning you have to do a multiple-choice test


SHO Certificate HACCP


You study at home in your own time, it will take approximately 4 to 6 hours

Tuition fee

€ 225,00 including E-Learning access and examination fee (VAT-excluded)


It is advisable to repeat the course after a few years to keep your knowledge up to date


This course will be soon available in combination with the Allergen course


What is the difference between Social Responsibility and HACCP?

Social Responsibility is about dealing with people and their behavior. In this course you learn, for example, how to tell someone who is drunk in a respectful way that he cannot order or buy any alcoholic drinks. The HACCP course is about how to apply the Hygiene code in practice, or in other words how to take care of food safety.    

Can I pay in installments?

Yes it is possible. Please contact us at phone number 0031-76-5710078.

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