Mentor in the Hospitality Industry – Day (3 days)

  • 3x 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • klassikaal
  • 1.175,- ex. VAT

To become and remain a recognized training company, you must have at least one certified Mentor in the Hospitality Industry within your company. As a Mentor you are indispensable for the development of (new) employees in the hospitality industry. You share your knowledge and you coach and guide your students and your (new) employees. So that they can develop into professionals. A responsible task. The quality of you as a Mentor is a determining factor in this.

What do you learn during the course Mentor in the Hospitality Industry – Day (3 days)?
During the 3 day course SVH Mentor in the Hospitality Industry you will be well prepared for the official SVH exam and your future as a mentor. The SVH exam Mentor in the Hospitality Industry consists of 3 parts: a portfolio, a theory exam and a practical exam. After the course you have a good understanding of the different work processes and you can pass on your craftsmanship successfully to students and (new) employees.

What other people say
This course provided me with very valuable tools to educate students and new employees professional.

Beste opleider van Nederland USP's

Mentor in the Hospitality Industry – Day (3 days) by SHO

Recruiting and selecting new (learning) employees
Introducing and training (learning) employees
Discussing and determining the training schedule
Coaching and guiding (learning) employees
Assessing (learning) employees
Keep developing yourself

Officially recognized by:

Register directly and easily

For whom

Entrepreneurs, managers and employees who want to become an accredited Mentor in a kitchen, restaurant, reception or company canteen

Admission requirements

No preliminary training required, sufficient knowledge of the English language is necessary


The SVH exam consists of 3 parts: Portfolio (homework assignment), Guidance & Training (practical exam) and a Theory exam. The SVH Theory exam is a written one and consists of 30 multiple-choice questions


SVH Diploma Mentor in the Hospitality Industry


3 days from 9 AM to 5 PM. On the third day the exam will start at 12.30 PM. There is a 2-week period between the course days. During this time you have to write a portfolio

Tuition fees

€ 1.175,- including course material, feedback on your portfolio, examination fee and day arrangements, VAT-excluded


It is desirable to repeat this course after a few years to keep your knowledge and skills up to date


Soon this course will be partial available as an E-learning as well


What is the added value of the SVH Diploma Mentor in the Hospitality Industry?

The SVH Diploma Mentor in the Hospitality Industry is a proof of the fact that you own theoretical knowledge and practical skills to coach, assess and educate the employees within a training company. You can recruit, select, introduce and train new employees. You know how to stimulate your employees to keep developing. Also, you master the process of the coaching and training program.

In the past I have past one of the three exam parts of the SVH exam Mentor in the Hospitality Industry, what should I do now?

If you have passed one of the exam parts you will receive a certificate from the SVH for that specific part of the exam Mentor in the Hospitality Industry. If you have passed all three parts of the exam, you will receive automatically the SVH diploma Mentor in the Hospitality Industry. A certificate is valid for 24 months from the date mentioned on the certificate. This means, within 24 months after that date you need to pass the other parts of the exam as well in order to be eligible for the SVH diploma Mentor in the Hospitality Industry. In case your certificate of a part is not valid anymore, you need to redo that part of the exam.  

Can I pay in installments?

Yes it is possible. Please contact us at phone number 0031-76-5710078.
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